NEO Team Update

Thank God for an Awesome
Assembly and NMI Convention!
2024 District Assembly Highlights
- Our speakers, Amanda Petit and Dr. Gustavo Crocker, challenged and inspired us.
- Ragan Schubert and the Worship Teams modeled and led us in wholehearted worship.
- Pastor Brady Thelander, Anthony Beville and the SapNaz family were outstanding and gracious hosts!
- NEO Nazarenes showed up, but most importantly, God met with us!
- There was ample time for fellowship over coffee and meals!
Videos of Pastors Reports, Services and Business Meetings are on the NEO Website:
and some are also on our Facebook Page.
On Saturday, August 17, we will gather at Regency Park Church of the Nazarene in Tulsa to have God shape us in His image and make us disciple-makers who journey with the people in whose lives He is working. A collaboration of Nazarene Youth International (NYI), Nazarene Missions International (NMI), and Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI), this event is designed to challenge, transform, and equip every believer.
We are planning on four session tracks with discipleship topics featuring insightful and inspiring speakers. Expect to have a hard time choosing which session to attend!
At the same time, we will be offering training in four further session tracks: NYI, NMI, Children’s Ministries, and Adult Ministries. This is your opportunity for growth if you are already serving in these areas, and a chance to take a look if you sense the Lord’s leading into serving at your church.
We will post many more details in the coming weeks as speakers are confirmed and specifics are worked out. You may also want to like the Northeast Oklahoma NDI Facebook page ( @neokndi ) for more frequent DDD updates and ongoing NDI information and resources or follow us on Instagram ( neokndi ). Meanwhile, check out the NDI YouTube channel for videos of our last DDD.
NEO Kids Camp 2024 – July 8-11, 2024
Are you ready to “travel” around the world at camp this summer? Along the way, you’ll face a number of challenges, some will challenge your body, some will challenge your mind. But all challenges lead to the most AMAZING RACE there has ever been. The prize at the end of this AMAZING RACE is more valuable that $1,000,000!
NEO Kids Camp is for kids who have completed the 1st through the 6th grades.
For details and registration, go to
Pastor Joe Gschwandtner has removed the “Interim” from his title and is now the Lead Pastor at Wagoner Church of the Nazarene. Installation will be on June 30, 2024. We welcome Joe and Rebekah to this new assignment, and are confident God will use Joe at Wagoner as he has as our NDI District Chair.
Pastor Jason Isaac, founding pastor of Tulsa Kaleo, has accepted a call to serve as Adult Ministries Pastor at Cross Bridge Church in Rockledge, FL. Jason grew up at Tulsa Central, served 8 years as youth pastor at Tulsa Regency Park and started Kaleo 9 years ago with a vision of a church that blended ethnicities and cultures in worship and service of Jesus. It has been so fun to see Pastor Jason grow and Kaleo flourish these past 9 years. We pray God’s best for Jason, Chrissie, Thomas, Sunnie and Jett! We will always claim you as a part of the NEO family!