
  • The NEO District Church of the Nazarene is made of up of 48 interdependent local churches, organized to facilitate the mission of each local church through mutual support, the sharing of resources and collaboration. Please contact me if you have questions or suggestions. You are loved!

<h3>Dave McKellips</h3>
<h5>District Superintendent</h5>

    Dave McKellips

    District Superintendent

Finding A Church

Discipling Oklahoma

Our district is made up of 48 active congregations as diverse and engaging as the Oklahoma landscape. We invite you to join us in worship and celebration at any of our local churches.

Team Update

NEO Team Update

By / NEO Team Update
15 Jun 2024

NEO Team Update

Thank God for an Awesome Assembly and NMI Convention!   2024 District Assembly Highlights Our speakers, Amanda Petit and Dr. Gustavo Crocker, challenged and inspired us. Ragan Schubert and the Worship Teams modeled and led...